Friday, February 24, 2012

Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000) Error 22022

We have recently setup a new cluster server. At the moment
the resources have swapped over so that 1 is running on
node 2 and vice-versa.
However this appears to be causing a problem with the SQL
scheduled tasks. All tasks in the list have (Date and
Time are not available) under 'Next Run Date.' All the
tasks will try and run at their scheduled time however if
we try and manually execute tasks we get the error message
Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000) Error 22022:
SqlServerAgent Error: Job ... does not exist in the job
Has anyone seen this error before?
We do not have this problem on our other clustered servers.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Do you have SQL Server Agent starting with a domain account that is valid
on both nodes?
Are there any messages in the SQL Server or SQL Agent logs?
Are there any messages in the event logs?
Do the jobs refer to any files or other objects that only exist on one node?
Cindy Gross, MCDBA, MCSE
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