Friday, February 24, 2012

Microsoft SQLXML Bulkload 4.0 Type Library with SQL Express


I'm trying to follow a sample from microsoft for Using SQLXML Bulk Load in the .NET Environment

In the sample c# console app. it says to select add reference then In theCOM tab, selectMicrosoft SQLXML Bulkload 4.0 Type Library (xblkld4.dll) and clickOK.

The problem I have is I cannot find the library or the xblkd4.dll file on my pc.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be much appreicated.




From your description, it seems that you are unable to import the Microsoft SQLXML BulkLoad 4.0 type library, right?

Based on my understanding, XML Bulk Load is a standalone COM object that allows you to load semistructured XML data into Microsoft SQL Server tables. So before you are going to add the library, make sure that you have installed Microsoft SQL Server (i.e Microsoft SQLServer2005) product.



I have the same problem. I have SQL Server 2005 with notification services installed locally and am using v2.0 of the frameworks and Team edition VS.Net 2005 SP1 and am working in C#. I have install SQLXML v4 and have located the dll next to the v3 dll which is listed as a COM object in the reference listing of COMs.

Any help on what steps to take to install so the library shows up in the COM listing would be appreciated.



I found a good article on this.


The link was extremely helpful. Thanks.

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