Hi, I have installed SQL Server 2000 and Reporting Services 2005 and Visual Studio 2003 all works OK but I need to create a report with the Microsoft SQL Server Report Designer 2005 and it doesn't appear in my VS, someone could help me with this?
Look in [All Programs][Microsoft SQL Server 2005] on the start menu and see if you have SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. If it is not there, go through the following steps Dan Jones supplied in this other thread:
You should make sure that Visual Studio is still installed. If you didn't previously have VS installed, the BI Dev Studio installation will install a VS shell called Visual Studio Premier Partner Edition. Look in Add or Remove Programs for an entry like this. If you don't find any entry for Visual Studio go to the location for SQL Server setup and run .\Tools\Setup\vs_setup.exe. This will install the VS Shell. After this is installed repair the BI Studio installation by running the following from the command line from the .\Tools directory: start /wait setup.exe /qb REINSTALL=SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench REINSTALLMODE=OMUS
Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.
Larry Smithmier
|||I install the VS Premier PArtener Ed. but my VS not shows the option to create a new BI project, look the link below.
|||You need to install the SQL Server client components to get the Report Project to appear in VS.NET. Alternatively, you can use the Business Intelligence Development Studio which is included in the SQL Server client components.
|||Thanks, when I try to install the SQL clien components the setup shows: 'An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannont be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation packege 'sqlcli.msi'.' If I install the complete VS 2005 developer ed, this help to fix the issue?
|||There is a standalone redistributable for SQL Server Native Client. The server portion of the setup installs it as a prerequisite as well.
|||I have finished to install the Clien Components, I ran the Task Manager and end the process tree of the sqlserver and the explorer.exe and then start again the explorer.exe and ran the setup with this I can install the client components without message error.
Many thanks to all.
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