What OLEDB drivers are you using? As a first step I would check that you have the latest version of all the OLEDB drivers, and upgrade if not.
I used to get this message constantly when using the v7 FoxPro driver. Changing to the most recent driver , v9, cured the problem completely.
Hope this helps,
|||TFYR. I'm just using the OLEDB source/destination that were installed when I upgraded my default instance to SS 2005. (I had been using SQL2005 side-by-side previously with SQL 2000). I've also noticed that when scripting objects it will also get sluggish and hangs for awhile on the step where it determines objects in the database. Right now, I've been waiting over 2 minutes to script a single proc out of the database, so I think there is some kind of systemic problem. Same problem when I try to expand some nodes in Object Explorer (Tables, procs etc), it'll be real sluggish.|||Seems odd. Are your source and destination SQL Server machines, or something else?
Maybe the upgrade process didn't tie things together properly? As a possibility, would you be able to backup everything and do a clean uninstall/ re-install of SQL 2005?
Sorry I've not posted back earlier.
TFYR. Yes, both source/dest are SQL Server machines. And yes, I can do an uninstall/re-install but probably won't get to it until next week . Do you think it might help if I tried removing the named SQL2005 instance that I have? Not sure how I would remove a named instance, but I will look in the docs.
You got me thinking about uninstalling/reinstalling but before trying it I wanted to try removing my SQL2005 named instance and the performance is now much improved. I haven't gotten the "Visual Studio is busy" message yet. I don't get the long delay when scripting objects out either. Maybe it was because I had originally installed SQL2005 as a named instance side by side with SQL2005 default instance and then upgraded the default instance to SQL2005 but never removed the named instance. Anyway, it is much, much improved. Thanks.
|||Yes... i'm facing that kind of problem almost everytime. Especially when the project contains a lot of packages. After the pop-up appears, it will hang and i have to terminate the process using ctrl+alt+del. Until now, i still can't configure what d problem is! I don think it is oledb connection. I would say it is software problem.|||How much RAM do you have? I found that adding RAM helped.|||I'm running 2 gigs of memory on a 2 ghz processor. So i know my computer isn't trash. But As of recently, every single time i open Studio I get issues with a pop-up that "Microsoft Visual Studio is busy." let microsoft know....
and it hangs for roughly 10 seconds. so if I make 20 changes to a page, that the changes themselves took me 20 seconds... i just spent (20*10 + 20) 220 seconds, or nearly 4 minutes to make a few quick changes...
Or, let's say that i like saving the pages alot, which I do, so I may copy paste a <br />, and then it locks, then i'll type something and insert a <asp:label tag, and it locks, then i'll delete the ID and insert a new id, and it locks... and maybe it locks again.
|||I can certainly understand the frustration as I was in the same predicament. I was so desperate I added RAM (increased to 1.5GB) and also purchased Registry Booster. I also removed a named instance of SQL2005 that was a remnant of a side-by-side installation with SQL2000. Whatever I did got rid of the problem and I am no longer plagued by the "Microsoft Visual Studio is busy" message.|||Hi folks:
I have the same exact problem. I see the message Visual studio is busy. For me this started happening after I installed Visual Studio 2005. I have 1 GB memory and i have both SQL 2000 (default instance) and SQL 2005 (named instance) running on the box. I never had this issue when i was running VS.NET 2003.
I started seeing this after I uninstalled VS.NET 2003 and installed VS.NET 2005. Does anyone know if I uninstall SQL 2005 and reinstall it again the problem would be gone?.
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